March 24, 2009Worry not.Amid all of the hubbub surrounding that idiot Greg Gutfeld and his colleagues at Fox News, one could be concerned. While one could retort that invading countries has never been a priority of Kanuckistan, like it is for the US, and therefore we do not need t have a large standing army, the truth is that we are only focused on invading one country. Worry not comrades. With the significant investment we have made in the American entertainment-complex, unknown to him Mr Gutfeld is surrounded by Kanuckistani Patriots and will soon be getting his due. To Mr Gutfeld and though who think like him, we paraphrase a great movie (The Crow?), when we say "just when you think you're fucking them, they're fucking you!" 'Nuff said. Tags:Posted by sparky on March 24, 2009 7:36 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
March 11, 2009The hits keep on coming.You guessed it. Us again. America is falling in upon itself.
Tags:Posted by sparky on March 11, 2009 9:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
We did this too.Yep, it was us. ;-)
Tags:Posted by sparky on March 11, 2009 9:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Chalk up another victory.This week,s issue of The Economist reports on the good work done by our Kanuckistani Fighting Corps (KFC) forward-operating bases in West Virginia.
Tags:Posted by sparky on March 11, 2009 9:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
September 16, 2008Agent in place.Meet Sarah Palin, the latest product of our Kanuckistani Patriot Labs. Biologically engineered from radiated stem cells, Sarah is a new kind of agent. Leveraging advanced weaponization research efforts from the early 80s, she has been enhanced to appeal to exactly one half of the participants in the Culture Wars, known as the denizens of the red states. One part God-fearing Christian, one part gun owner, and finally, one part 'drill it if you got it', with a sprinkling of teen beauty queen to tie it all together. On the surface at least, she is the 'total package', designed to appeal to the base instincts that have made America as great as it has always been (see note). Leveraging the personnel stationed at our network of Kanuckistani Fighter Corps (KFC) forward operating bases, we have been able to manage Sarah's ascension from the ranks of all-American girl to beauty queen to small town mayor to governor of the largest state (by territory) in the Union. As a result of those efforts, in a classic example of life imitating art, or in this case the movies (vis. The Manchurian Candidate), we have managed to insert Sarah near the highest levels of power. Indeed, Sarah was recently named the Republican nominee for Vice-President alongside Senator John McCain. Yes, that John McCain, the one whom many believe we were unable to 'turn'. Aged 72 and counting, Senator McCain is unlikely to finish out his first term, meaning that Sarah will likely be president before the end of this decade. For those who doubt the capabilities of this agent, specifically her superior genetic composition not to mention commitment to the values of the great nation of Kanuckistan, we offer the following proof. Indeed her 'Dove soap bar' good looks hide a secret known only to us, as the following pictures show. Left, Sarah with her make-up on; right, her make-up off.
Note: While we welcome the current meltdown of the American housing market, the meltdown of the financial markets (we engineered the recent downfalls of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and AIG, while also holding massive short positions), and the high gas prices that have forced Americans to learn to walk again, it is official Kanuckistani policy to perpetuate the myths that have lulled Americans into complacency, the better to strike when they sleep like tired pigs finished at the trough. Tags:Posted by sparky on September 16, 2008 9:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
October 5, 2007Kanuckistani Forces backgrounder (cont')These KFC outlets and activities are complimented by a large contingent—over a million strong—of Kanuckstani patriots on the ground, living, working and studying in communities across America. Kanuckistani patriots have infiltrated the enemy to the South by way of a number of deceptions. Some have gone across on sports scholarships at some of that country’s institutions of higher learning. With the formerly all-Kanuckistani NHL too obvious a choice, our patriot brothers have begun to learn other sports such as baseball and basketball in a series of training facilities both here and in the southern US on the pretext of clement weather. As a result, numerous Kanuckistanis have begun to infiltrate major professional sporting leagues, not least of which the NFL, the NBA, and Major League Baseball. During out-of-town games and tournaments, Kanuckistani patriots rendez-vous with their brothers in arms to exchange field intelligence, pass along instructions, and in some cases, to exchange materiel. Borrowing the best of their jihadi comrades from around the world, each cell of Kanuckistani patriots—the employees of a KFC outlet in Grand Rapids Michigan, the members of a cycling team in Sunrise Arizona, the Candy Stripers at the M.D. Anderson in bible-loving Houston, the acting troupe in LA—have been given broad objectives—Death to the Great Satan to paraphrase brother Khomeini—but with the precise details of the mission’s execution left up to them. This cell structure is designed to protect the overall mission should a cell be captured or its members find themselves too much in the public eye. Posted by sparky on October 5, 2007 9:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
October 4, 2007A primer on Kanuckistani fighting forces.
The main fighting force beyond the borders of Kanuckistan is the Kanuckistani Fighting Corps (also known as KFC). Proudly bilingual, they have adopted the moniker Front populaire du Kanuckistan in French (though a transcription error resulted in the acronym PFK which has since stuck, not unlike the accepted spelling of the city of Monckton.)
Disguised as fast-food restaurants and offering fare designed to appeal to the average blue collar worker—including three different levels of greasy chicken—KFC outlets are located near police precincts, fire halls, power sub-stations, phone company switches, water treatment plants. With chicken cooked on a natural gas powered grill—ostensibly for the taste, as opposed to the microwave-cooked food offered by competitors, KFC bases have direct access to the natural gas network, in addition to the power and water networks.
KFC operatives wear distinctive uniforms, striped in red and white to recall the colours of our glorious maple leaf flag, but made of polyester to appeal to the sensibilities of our neighbours to the South who fail to appreciate the irony of clothing made from oil, the resource which makes the Americans so dependent on Kanuckistan and its allies.
Posted by sparky on October 4, 2007 8:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
May 15, 2005Undermining the American Way of Life (I)Short of impaling Jerry Falwell's head on a pole, which while satisfying, would likely only encourage the raging Jesus-freaks in MittelAmerika, we have launched a series of countermeasures designed to take the fun out of everyday life and destroy the Amerikan credo of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". To that, Kanuckistani mouthpiece, The Economist, recently reported on the first of our many initiatives. Due to our successful propaganda efforts--including spending more evenings with chaps named Billy Bob then we would like to admit to-- we were able to sabotage that most Amerikan of activities, the high school prom, by highlighting the dangers (unprotected pre-marital sex, consumption of controlled narcotics, underage use of alchohol) of young men and women spending unsupervised time together. When the young folk from this relatively sleepy Arkansas town bought advance tickets for the dance, they signed a contract acknowledging the school rules prohibiting alcohol consumption. They also had to supply their dates' names, addresses, grade levels and telephone numbers. Identities will be rechecked at the festivities (heaven knows what will happen to any teens bold enough to dump their dates in the closing days). Oh, and the deviant revellers have also had to agree to on-the-spot searches and sobriety tests. Thank you Comrades, who shall remain nameless. We look forward to your next victories. Posted by sparky on May 15, 2005 8:56 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Fallen comrade.Saddened by the loss (though self-implosion might be a better term) of Comrade Bernard Kerik before Christmas, we have been busy moving forward with alternate plans. The 'revelations' on Comrade Kerik were of course to have been expected, but the plan had been for them to come light only after his confirmation as Secretary for Homeland Security to achieve maximum scandal, and only after we had been able to drain the American Treasury (before Bush does it first). We had invested a lot of time and effort in Comrade Kerik, securing the services of our best doctors (to modify Kerik's appearance so as to resemble that of our greatest fallen comrade - see pictures), linguists (who taught him fugeddaboutit and other New Yorker terms) and businessmen (including the resourcefulness of Comrade Gagliano, who made a special return from Denmark to provide Comrade Kerik with best practices for corrupting bureaucracies, infiltrating the party into the government apparatus, and siphoning kickbacks on federal contracts.) That is not to say that we have not been busy. Expect results from our latest efforts to appear in major news channels in the very near future. Posted by sparky on May 15, 2005 8:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
May 5, 2005Undermining the American Way of Life (III)While we officially despise organized religion like that prized by the millions of mindless Jesusfreaks that have populated (overwhelmed like Locusts?) the Red States, we also recognize that it can be a powerful tool for creating dissent and division within our enemy. An editorial written by a comrade who wished to remain nameless, appeared yesterday in Kanuckistani mouthpiece, The New York Times. It details attempts to derail our plans to undermine the institution at the heart of the Amerikan identity, the Amerikan Armed Forces, in this case the Air Force. For those not familiar with the success of our unflappable efforts, Last year, academy officials promised to do something about widespread complaints of unconstitutional proselytizing of academy students by evangelists whose efforts were blessed by authority figures in the chain of command. An authorized investigation by the Yale Divinity School and local news reports documented numerous instances of pressure on cadets to adopt Christian beliefs and practices. Such pressure came from dozens of faculty members and chaplains, and even the football coach, with his "Team Jesus Christ" banner. Reactionary efforts to undermine our initiatives and to 'protect' the officious separation of Church and State have come to naught. Thanks to the help of party members like Major General Charles Baldwin, we shall continue to drive a stake through the Amerikan heart, giving new impetus to our territorial ambitions. Posted by sparky on May 5, 2005 9:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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